Here we go – “again”.

Here we go – “again”.

I do wish I wasn’t writing an entry to this blog again, but the reality is that we need to let everyone (who are interested) know that Judy  learned (back in September) that she has another aneurism in her head/brain. This was shocking information as we had been back to Montreal, Notre Dame Hospital regularly since her previous surgery in March of 2013 and no indication of any issues at all.

We had begun the process of having all records and follow up care transferred from Montreal to The Ottawa Hospital, thinking that we should be in our own province for many reasons. The September 2016 visit was Judy’s 1st visit in Ottawa for the purpose follow up; a good visit and “everything looks good, the second aneurism has remained the same”. Judy’s wtf thought process kicked in. “What second aneurism? The doctor (Dr. Kassab) was very surprised that his colleagues in Notre Dame had not informed Judy of the 2nd aneurism and also that they had recommended (in her charts) that it be followed up in 4 years time! He thought that this was not right and suggested he would order another MRI @ The Ottawa Hospital on a more powerful 3 Tesla (3T) MRI Scan  so he could see for himself what was going on.

We waited until April 12th and had the MRI done @ 2:30 in the morning – Wait Times for MRI is material for another blog post, but another time.   The follow up for that was April 25th, and initially the doctor was leaning towards ‘a wait and see’ approach, given the aneurism was small.    Judy and I were not happy with the ‘wait ‘n see’ approach as there was lots of anxiety around living in the shroud of another potential situation like that of March 13, 2013.   The doctor was made aware of our concerns and reasons why:

  1. Judy’s personal history with aneurism
  2. Judy’s family history – mother with a brain bleed and stroke, father with an aorta aneurism and grandfather with a brain aneurism
  3. The size was of concern – this small aneurism that they wanted to watch was actually bigger than the one that burst in 2013

The doctor agreed to take Judy’s situation back to a panel of experts in this field and have them review it.   We got a call 1 week later asking us to come in for an appointment on May 8th.

Today (May 8th, 2017) we were presented with the options of surgery (clipping) going in through the skull or endovascular surgery (the option that was used in Notre Dame in 2013).   The doctor admitting that he made a error in initially recommending wait and see.

An endovascular surgery  will be scheduled for sometime in the near future (within 3 months) at which time they will do the same process of vascular coiling or a combination of vascular coiling with a stent as an additional intervention precaution.

We are happy that we have the option of some intervention (knowing what we ‘all’ went through before) and are very confident in the hands of the doctors at The Ottawa Hospital.    The last time we were experiencing the emotion of urgency, this time around it different but the same, the feeling is anxiousness.

We’ll keep everyone updated through this Blog as we know more and especially when the surgery is booked and happens.

  • Eileen Vaughan
    Posted at 16:47h, 09 May Reply

    Thoughts go out to you & your family. Thanks for the blog. Keep us informed of the progress. Eileen ????

  • Frank Watt
    Posted at 17:57h, 09 May Reply

    My thoughts are with you guys. Please keep me informed.

  • Nancy Oles
    Posted at 18:08h, 09 May Reply

    Hi Ken and Judy please keep me posted. Judy I love you like a sister and am so glad you questioned and pushed the doctors to make the best and right decision to do the surgery and not wait. I am always thinking of you I will await your updates. If there is anything I can do for you please let me know. Love Nancy xoxo

  • Cindy Sutton
    Posted at 20:32h, 09 May Reply

    I am so devastated to read this news. Please add me to your mailing list .
    Please please keep me informed.
    PLease let Judy know Ross and I are thinking and praying for her..
    Love Cindy

    • Sue Maloney
      Posted at 02:04h, 10 May Reply

      Ken and Judy, wishing you all the best, my prayers are for you and another successful surgery.

  • Marie DeNoble Evans
    Posted at 20:49h, 09 May Reply

    Thank you so much for sharing this news Ken. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you and Judy and I look forward to your updates on the blog. Marie xo

  • Jennifer and Gord Dancey
    Posted at 22:21h, 09 May Reply

    You are in our thoughts and prayers. Keep us updated.

  • Ted Mertl
    Posted at 22:40h, 09 May Reply

    My thoughts and prayers go out to you and Judy! Trusting that your Doctor will perform another miracle. Ted and Kelly.

  • Sandra Coker
    Posted at 22:56h, 09 May Reply

    Ken and Judy. Sorry to hear of this news. You are in our thoughts and prayers. Sounds like you are in good hands. Thank you for the update. Sandra

  • Gerry Doyle
    Posted at 23:10h, 09 May Reply

    You forged through this once and you have the tenacity to successfully successfully emerge again. God Bless you Judy and yes, you are and will continue to be in our prayers.

    Gerry & Anne

  • Fern Seidman
    Posted at 23:23h, 09 May Reply

    Ken, I am so sorry to hear this news. Please keep me informed. Sending my prayers.

  • Jean laflamme
    Posted at 23:51h, 09 May Reply

    Ken and Judy, sending lots of positive thoughts your way. Thank you for the updates.

  • Diane Harrison
    Posted at 00:05h, 10 May Reply

    So sorry to hear these news. Surgery is always stressful. We will keep Judy and your family in our thoughts and prayers.
    Please wish her all the best for us and do keep us posted.

    Diane and Peter

  • Robert & Ted
    Posted at 00:13h, 10 May Reply


    Please know that Ted and I are thinking of you both and if there is anything we can do (big or small) please know you can ask …

    Robert & Ted

  • Michelle
    Posted at 01:00h, 10 May Reply

    I’m sorry to hear this news, but definitely relieved that you found out and are able to take some control back. I will be waiting to hear how things go; my best wishes are with you guys.
    Michelle, Declan and Cassidy xox

  • Jane St. Martin
    Posted at 01:40h, 10 May Reply

    Judy. My thoughts are with you and your family. Please put me on the list and keep me informed. Jane

  • Nancy macphee
    Posted at 02:21h, 10 May Reply

    Judy you can do this! We are here to support you in any way we can. Our positive prayers and thoughts will be with you all the way to a full speedy recovery! Xoxoxo

  • Trudy Alger
    Posted at 03:07h, 10 May Reply

    Please keep me updated. Judy will be in our prayers. She is very fortunate to have an amazing man to take care of her.

  • Kim (LeVon) Squires
    Posted at 23:47h, 10 May Reply

    I wouldn’t wish one of those wtf moments on anyone! My heart goes out to you, Judy and the family….and the many, many who love Judy. Sending positive thoughts your way.❤️ Kim xo

  • Bob Goodman
    Posted at 23:47h, 10 May Reply

    Thoughts and prayers with you as you face this once again. You won before, have belief you will win again. Take care in this journey and please keep us posted.
    Bob & Nancy

  • Jo-Anne Alzner
    Posted at 14:50h, 27 May Reply

    Judy and Ken, my thoughts and prayers are with you. You know your journey will be a tough one, but you have the positive thoughts, and the love and support of your family and friends to help you through it.

  • Melanie and Steve
    Posted at 18:13h, 16 June Reply

    Ken, Judy, you have so many people who care and are lifting you in prayer and holding you in their thoughts – if this alone could ease the anxiety you’d both be feeling totally at peace! We’ll watch for your updates and hope the surgery is soon! Love, S and M xo

    • Ken Alger
      Posted at 19:23h, 16 June Reply

      Thanks S and M. There is a newer BLOG post and in fact the surgery is scheduled for next Tuesday – June 20th.

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